100% Conner

Meet Conner.

His Mom warned me he slouches in photos.
His Mom told me he loved his kitty and wanted some photos with her.
She told me he isn't super into photos, so he will want to keep it simple.

And upon meeting Conner, I noticed a couple of things:
I liked his beard.
He had the most adorable dimples when he smiled.
He was super laid back and was totally proud of his wrist watch.
He naturally perked up when talking about wearing a suit.

So....Conner and I kept it simple. We photographed at his house, in which he was able to rock the comfort of his own front porch, his very own backyard, and more importantly, was able to involve his cute little Kitty AND his watch.

I also knew that Conner was a rockstar on the clarinet. So we combined three things he loves:
1) wearing a suite
2) playing his clarinet
3) the big windows outside his stomping grounds.... Lincoln Highschool

I love it when we can find things and go places that makes the Senior feel not only comfortable, but also confident. Conner...THANK YOU for being YOU. And for letting me photograph you just as [adorable] as you are.

with love....

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