In celebrating another successful year in business, I wanted to take the time to reflect....on WHY exactly I have chosen the path of photography.
My thoughts...directly from my heart. THANK YOU for allowing me to do what I do.
I am a photographer because……
My thoughts...directly from my heart. THANK YOU for allowing me to do what I do.
I am a photographer because……
I have been blessed with an ability to see. Beyond what the
common eye sees. Moments. Seeing
extraordinary beauty in what most consider to be the routine. I live for [and
thrive] off of these moments.
I am a photographer because….
The world needs more real.
I want to document REAL people. Just as they are. Their
relationships with one another. Their personalities. Their freckles. Their
wrinkles. How their nose crinkles when they laugh. It’s a funny thing what
happens when people let their guard down. They shine. And it’s a beautiful
I am a photographer because….
I want to document emotion. After all, it is the one thing
that makes humans HUMAN! Our ability to love and laugh and cry.
Emotions like…the look on a father’s face when he sees his
daughter in her wedding dress for the first time. The expression on a toddler’s
face during a genuine laugh. The pride in a mother when she stops worrying
about the “photos” and starts simply
enjoying the time with her family.
I am a photographer because….
I believe the world needs a reminder to slow down.
Our lives have become so busy….we rush through and
completely miss the beauties that happen in our day. With the people we love
most. We just miss it. In the rush of getting to the next thing. And then it’s
just gone.
I am photographer because….
When you take a step back and really think about it…you put
life into perspective and you realize that in the end, it is about the people
we have shared our paths with. The people that have loved us. And the people
that we have loved.
And it’s about memories. True riches in life. Things that
can never be taken from us.
I am a photographer because…
I believe everyone has been blessed with a talent. A gift
from God. Something that puts beauty back into the world. And we are doing
others and ourselves a true dis service if we are not fully embracing that
talent. And sharing it for the good of all.
And I am photographer because…
I want to remind people……that life IS beautiful. And those
moments….those memories…..those special people we share are path with…They are
oh so deserving of being not only noticed and appreciated, but preserved and
then enjoyed for generations.
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