Today’s interview comes to us from Kerri Photography. I found myself nodding my head and agreeing with most all of her answers to our questions – I could totally relate to Kerri’s feeling about putting her wedding dress on for the first time. If only I could do it all again (with the same guy of course!). Thanks Kerri!

Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your company?

Being born and raised a small town girl, I appreciate the simplicities of life. Things like giggles from a child. Fresh air and beautiful countryside. I believe my upbringing and values directly correspond to my business model: working with my clients in a laid back & genuine approach, providing them with images that are nothing but authentic, professional, and true to their character.
Learn more about Kerri after the jump…
Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

2. How did you get into wedding photography?

After being a bride myself, I greatly gained respect for the wedding day as a whole.  So many details that lead up to and pour into one very special day.
I wanted to become a part of capturing not only the planning details of the day, but more importantly the emotion that was a result of having all of your loved ones together. The emotion is what truly inspires me. Hugs shared, tears shed, and a day celebrated by so many.

Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

3. What is your favorite part of the wedding day to capture?

The moment the bride finally has her dress on. I remember being the bride and just how excited I was to not only have my dress on again, but to be able to wear it for an entire day! It is such a joy for me to photograph the bride truly feeling feminine and oh so beautiful in this moment.

Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

4. What is the most awkward moment you’ve experienced while on the job?

Two words: bloody nose. NOT a moment you want to photograph.

Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

5. What’s the best thing you ever ate at a wedding?

Almond cake by the one and only Glorious Desserts [Des Moines, Iowa]

Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

6. What is your favorite venue and why?

I don’t have a traditional [one favorite venue], but my favorite venue[s] to photograph a wedding in are those that are original. One of kind. Never used before. Perhaps it is a small Lake. A Backyard. A hidden gem of a park. I love the spaces that are chosen for their natural beauty and TURNED INTO a wedding venue with fabulous details that represent the bride and the groom.

Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

7. Nikon or Canon?


Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

8. What is your dream location to shoot a wedding?

Red Rocks in Colorado. Such a natural beauty. A regal space that truly takes your breath away.

Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

9. If you could shoot any celebrity wedding (past, present or future), who would be the lucky couple?

Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner. Loved their look. Simply classic.
Kerri Photography WeddingPhotoLove

10. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned, and would pass along to other new wedding photographers just getting started?

Don’t get so carried away photographing details that you miss MOMENTS!
Visit Kerri Photography on WeddingPhotoLove or head on over to her site for some more great wedding day images!